Friday, November 28, 2014

The Perfect Black Friday Outfit

Anyone else struggle with what to wear when you go shopping? When I was little, I always wanted to look like those girls in the magazines with the glamorous high heels and gorgeous outfits. However, is that really the ideal way to go shopping? No, it's just not comfortable.
Today I'm going to show you how to come up with the perfect shopping ensemble. Especially for Black Friday.
1. WEAR COMFORTABLE SHOES. I swear, I can not stress this enough. Currently I am out of town, and though it might be nice to wear warm fuzzy boots, my flats are generally more comfortable because they have arch support. That's what's going to make the difference.
2. Pick a top with a pop of color, or a pretty pattern. In the picture, you'll see that I'm wearing a vibrant coral sweater. This makes you stand out - without the added glam.
3. Statement jewelry. Something "compliment worthy" really makes you feel on top of the world and ready to get things done.
4. Wear your hair out of your face. I'm wearing 2-day curls in a ponytail. Cute, and out of the way. What more could you ask for?
5. Also, a cross-body handbag is essential for shopping. That way you don't have a lot of weight on one shoulder.
When you're shopping today (or any day for that matter), be safe, cautious, and kind to others. Most of all, be thankful for what you already have.
Have an amazing holiday season, and I'm sure I'll have another post soon. :)
-Callie B.