Monday, June 11, 2012

Got Acne?

Ladies, I know all about having pimples and blackheads. I think we all do! There are all those rules about not popping them and letting them go away on their own, blah, blah, blah. All those medications that come out from different companies that don't even think about going back to using natural medicines. Well, I have news for you! Try the recipe below for acne healing. This has worked so well for me, and I hope it does for you as well.

HUGE Side Note: What I am about to tell you is so vital to the healing of your skin. Make sure you wash your face day and night. There are so many dirty oils and bacteria that seep into your pores that do absolutely nothing to help your face. Please take this advice, it makes a huge difference.

Baking Soda and Water Acne Treatment

2 tsp. baking soda
Just enough water to make a paste

Grab a small bowl and put the baking soda in, barely put any water in the bowl, just enough to conjure a paste that will actually stay on your face. You don't want it to be real thin and watery.

Before you go to bed and/or get up in the morning, do your  normal face wash routine. Pat dry your face with a towel. Dab on the Baking Soda and Water paste onto the spots you want to get rid of. Wait about 8-10 minutes and it will have tightened the skin drying out all of the bad oils in the face around that spot. Rinse off the paste.

If you would like to speed up the healing process of removing your acne, before you go to bed, after using this recipe; put a little honey on each spot and cover it with a band-aid. Sleep that way and remove it in the morning.

A side note for girls with Dry Skin:
Make sure you put on an oil free lotion after using this recipe, it will make a big difference!

If you want to make this into a Facial Scrub:
Follow all of the instructions above for the Baking Soda and Water recipe except you put it all over the face, and wait till it tightens. Then rinse off.

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